A quartz crystal explosion of perfect points, out of a log burned int eh Malibu fires. It has a light under the crystals that give a glowing effect.
"Super blooms are the result of a delicate balance of sun, temperature, wind, and water. " Anna Papuga
"You can find wildflowers in the desert pretty much any year, but a super bloom is something special In other words, a super bloom occurs when the harshest elements of the desert get the timing right. The result is nothing short of a miracle." -Krista Diamond
Currently featured at Flower & Hewes Gallery in Loews Beach Hotel Santa Monica
Price | $3,300.00 |
Dimensions | 22 x 8 x -5 H x W x D (cm) |
Weight | 22 (kg) |
Creation Date | November 2019 |
Subject Nature |
Style Primitive |
Substrate Woodcut |
Hang Ready | |